Чит GTAV [0X] Online
0xCheats - это команда опытных ребят, разрабатывающая ПО к таким играм как GTA Online, BattleEye и других игр
Функции Софта
- - AIM
- Vector
- Per weapon class settings (Enable / Bone / If target in vehicle / FOV type / Deadzone / Switch delay / Max distance / FOV / FOV multiplier / Deadzone FOV / Horizontal smoothness /
- Vertical smoothness)
- Settings (Enable / Visible only / Priority by / Draw FOV / FOV Color / Deadzone color / Bind / Recoil control / Disable recoil)
- Exclusions (NPC / Ghost / In vehicle)
- - Triggerbot
- General
- Settings (Enable / Bind)
- Distance selection slider (10m - 300m)
- Exclusions (NPC)
- - Visuals
- Players
- Box (2D)
- Skeleton (Outline)
- Text info (ID / Name / Weapon / Distance / Health bar / Armor bar)
- Exclusions (NPC / Local / Dead / In vehicle / In local vehicle)
- Colors (Default / Invisible / In vehicle / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
- Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
- Vehicles
- Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
- Text info (Owner / Health / Engine / Lock / Model / Speed / Distance)
- Exclusions (Local / NPC / Engine OFF / Destroyed / Locked)
- Colors (Default / NPC / Engine ON / Unlocked and Engine ON)
- Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
- Objects
- Saved objects
- Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
- Text info (Hash / Distance / Name)
- Settings (Default color / Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
- Exclusions (Show saved only)
- Radar
- Settings (Enable / Heading / Distance / Opacity / Line opacity / Size / Circle size / Triangle size)
- Colors (Self / NPC / Default / Dead / Ghost / In vehicle)
- Exclusions (Self / Dead / NPC)
- Offscreen
- Settings (Enable / Radius / Arrow size / Max distance)
- Exclusions (Visible / NPC)
- Colors (Default / Invisible / Ghost / Sniper rifle in hands)
- Chams
- Settings (Enable / Through walls)
- Exclusions (Local / Dead / NPC)
- Colors (Local / Default / Invisible / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
- - Main
- Player
- Godmode (Bind)
- No ragdoll (Bind)
- Invisible (Bind / Type)
- Never wanted (Bind)
- Fast respawn (Bind)
- Respawn on death coords (Bind)
- Health regeneration (Bind / Only in cover / speed)
- Armor regeneration (Bind Only in cover / speed)
- Disable critical hit (Bind)
- Restore health (Bind)
- Restore armor (Bind)
- Suicide (Bind)
- Player - Phone
- Disable phone (Bind)
- Phone animation (Bind)
- Phone radio (Bind)
- Request Airstrike (Bind)
- Request Backup heli (Bind)
- Request Backup heli (Bind)
- Request Ballistic equipment (Bind)
- Request Boat pickup (Bind)
- Request Heli pickup (Bind)
- Request Ammo drop (Bind)
- Request MOC (Bind)
- Request Avenger (Bind)
- Request Terrobyte (Bind)
- Request Kosatka (Bind)
- Request RC Bandito (Bind)
- Request RC Tank (Bind)
- Request Dinghy (Bind)
- Request Nano drone (Bind)
- Request Gun van (Bind)
- Request Acid lab (Bind)Request Acid lab bike (Bind)
- Player - Movement
- NoClip (Bind / Teleport to ground / Speed / Speed in interiors)
- Super jump (Bind)
- Speedhack (Bind / Speed)
- Fast running (Bind)
- Fast swimming (Bind)
- Walk underwater (Bind)
- Disable combat walk style (Bind)
- Player - Misc
- Disable passive cooldown (Bind)
- Disable suicide cooldown (Bind)
- Disable orbital gun cooldown (Bind)
- Disable player blood (Bind)
- Permanent Bull Shark (Bind)
- Instant bullshark (Bind)
- Hide from radar (Bind)
- Ignored by peds (Bind)
- Passive mode (Bind)
- Anti idle kick (Bind)
- Weapons
- Infinite ammo
- Infinite range
- No reload
- No spread
- No recoil
- Weapon wheel in vehicles
- Unlimited sticky bombs
- Weapons in interiors
- Weapons in vehicles
- Explosive ammo
- Fire ammo
- Explosive melee
- Weapons - Weapons list
- Give selected weapon
- Remove selected weapon
- Get selected component for selected weapon
- Remove selected component for selected weapon
- Weapons - Modifications
- Orbital cannon
- Rapid fire
- Double shoot
- Damage multiplier (Value)
- Custom bullet (Type)
- Health bullet
- Armor bullet
- Force gun
- Weapons - Weapon service
- Give weapons
- Remove weapons
- Upgrade weapons
- Give weapons on join
- Upgrade weapons on join
- Vehicle
- Godmode (Bind)
- Invisible (Bind)
- Seat belt
- Disable damage on collision
- Special (Jumping / Parachute / Ramp / Boost)
- Drift tyres
- Drift mode (Bind / Holding bind / Type / Grip)
- Fly mode (Enable / Bind / Speed)
- Handling (Gravity / Acceleration)
- Speed (Boost / Maximum boost speed / Stop)
- LSC (Upgrade / Upgrade bind / Upgrade type)
- Vehicle - Service
- Always clean
- No deformation (Bind)
- Repair (Bind)
- Clean dirt (Bind)
- Engine status (OFF / ON)
- Lock status (Unlocked / Locked)
- Per door settings (Open / Shut)
- Open all doors (Bind)
- Shut all doors (Bind)
- Kick all occupants (Bind)
- Vehicle - Misc
- Missile defense
- Remove animations
- Unlock on sit
- Exclusive driver
- Wheels from formula
- Burned vehicle
- Spawner
- Vehicle list (Name)
- Appear in vehicle
- Create upgraded
- Gift vehicle
- Auto start engine
- Create in air
- Create exclusively for me
- Misc
- Disable rotation restrictions
- Disable collision
- Crosshair (Size / Line width / Gap size / Dot size / Color)
- Field of view (Value / Changing speed)
- World
- Potato mode
- Bypass kill zones
- Bypass interior kick
- Disable HUD
- Disable Fog
- Blackout
- Time (Hour / Minutes / Always day / Freeze time / Time-lapse / Speed)
- Water (Invisible / Repel / Intensity / Height / Alpha)
- Teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
- Auto teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
- Weather (Type)
- Clouds (Type)
- World - Traffic
- Delete vehicles (Bind)
- Paint vehicles (Bind
- Color)
- Explode vehicles (Bind)
- Launch vehicles (Bind)
- Boost vehicles (Bind)
- Kill peds (Bind)
- Kill enemies (Bind)
- Teleport peds to me (Bind)
- Jump peds (Bind)
- Delete peds (Bind)
- Visual editor
- Lights (Enable / Rainbow color / Color / Speed)
- Time cycles (Sky / Sun / Moon / Peds / Clouds)
- Rain (Rain drops / misc / color / fade)
- -Players
- Player info
- Slot
- Name
- Rockstar ID
- Host token
- IP
- Packet loss
- Ping
- Device (Controller / Keyboard)
- Language (English / French / German / Italian / Spanish (S) / Portuguese / Polish / Russian / Korean / Chinese (T) / Japanese / Spanish (M) / Chinese (S) / Incorrect)
- Armor
- Health
- RP
- Rank
- Bank
- Cash
- Deaths
- Kills
- Crew (Name / Tag / ID / Members / Status)
- Main
- Spectate
- Time-out
- Show profile
- Friend Request
- Teleport (Self to... / Player to...)
- Kicks (Basic / Complaint / Vote / Rainbow smash)
- Crashes (Basic / Well Done)
- Griefing
- Freeze
- Suicide
- Explode (Grenade / Impulse / For vehicle)
- Cage (Default / Container / Tube XS / Tube S / Tube M)
- Remove all weapons
- Taser
- Ragdoll event
- Make him suffer
- Make him cry
- CEO Kick
- MC raid
- Bunker raid
- Force CEO join
- Teleport to apartment
- Teleport to warehouse
- Set bounty (Amount / Anonymous)
- Disable passive mode
- Freemode mission (Force / Broken)
- Remove godmode
- Send to Online intro
- Infinity loading
- Open interaction menu
- Griefing - Vehicle
- Freeze
- Kick out
- Close doors
- Off engine
- Set task
- Flip (Kickflip / Double kickflip / Heelflip / Double heelflip / Back flip / Front flip)
- Rotate (Flip / Rotate 180)
- Destroy (Enginge / Tyres / Doors / Wheels)
- Remove vehicle
- Friendly
- Semi-godmode
- Restore health
- Restore armor
- Give all weapons
- Hide from radar
- Never wanted
- Statuette drop (Invisible)
- Friendly - Vehicle
- Godmode
- Missile defense
- Drift tyres
- Repair
- Wash
- Upgrade (Default / Power / Max / Random)
- - Network
- Session
- Session switcher (Public / New Public / Closed crew / Crew / Closed friend / Friends / Solo / Invite only / Crew / Leave GTA Online)
- Instant solo session
- Sort by players count
- Session regions (CIS / South America/Africa / East of USA / Europe / Hong Kong/Asia / Australia / West of USA / Japan / Unknown)
- Block joins (By host / Hard attribute)
- Session limits (Max players / Max spectators)
- RID joiner (Join history / As spectator)
- Fast load
- Force relay connection
- Allow joining full sessions
- Force script-host
- Auto force script-host (On connection / Always)
- Filter bypass
- Timestamp message (UTC)
- Notifications (Player join / Player left / Transition state)
- -Protection
- General
- Enable / Disable (Toggle)
- Disable sync
- Show notifications
- Kicks (Block / Notify)
- Crashes (Block / Notify)
- Peds protection (Clones / SP models / Teleport)
- Vehicles protection (Kick / Driver change / peds creation / Removing)
- Objects protection (Disable pickups creation / Recovery pickups / Unwanted objects / Cages)
- Misc protection (Attaches / Force script host / Chat spammers / Entity throttler)
- Script events
- Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
- Enable / Disable (Toggle)
- Block of passive mode (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Vehicle kick (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- SoundSpam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Off the radar (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- CEO actions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Errors spam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Set bounty (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Teleport (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Send to job (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Cops turn blind eye (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Fake money (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Fake notifications (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Rotate camera (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Send to cutscene (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- PV Destroying (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- PV disowning (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- GTA Banners (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Send to warehouse (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Halloween (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Network events
- Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
- Enable / Disable (Toggle)
- Explosions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Fire (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Play sounds (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Particles (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Give weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Remove weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Request control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Entity state change (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Ragdoll request (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Give ped scripted task (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Kick votes (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Give pickup rewards (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Invalid script world state (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Invalid weapon damage (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Activate vehicle special ability (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Door break (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Give control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Request phone explosion (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Ped conversation line (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- - Recovery
- Stats
- Stats (Save / Bind)
- Unlock stats
- Unlock abilities
- Unlock Flying school
- Unlock LSC misc
- Unlock clothes
- Unlock achievements
- Unlock weapons
- Unlock gender changing
- Unlock Roosevelt
- Unlock Xmas liveries
- Unlock Nightclub achievements
- Unlock Arena achievements
- Unlock contacts
- Unlock yacht missions
- Unlock player content
- Unlock DLC achievements
- Unlock Bunker achievements
- Unlock Bunker researches
- Unlock Heists missions
- Unlock Arcade trophies
- Unlock hidden vehicles
- Casino
- Roulette (Auto bets / Change result / Change bet / Force roll)
- Lucky wheel (Get selected prize)
- Refresh limits
- Auto refresh limits
- Refresh lucky wheel
- Misc
- Skip cutscene (Bind)
- Skip tutorial
- Skip prologue
- Terminals (Bunker / Hangar / Nightclub / Motoclub / MOC / Terrorbyte / Agency / Internet / Avenger / Bail office / Organization)
- Mental value (Slider)
- Bad sport (Remove / Get)
- Restore character
- - Settings
- Main
- Menu scale (50%- 200%)
- Disable visuals (Bind)
- Menu color (Rainbow color / Rainbow speed / Primary color / Restore)
- Language (Русский / English)
- Config (Load / Save / Remove)
Системные Требования
Игровой клиент:
Steam, Social Club, Epic Games
Поддерживаемые процессоры:
Intel & Amd
64 bit, Windows: 7/10
Rockstar Anti-Cheat,BattleEye
Игровой режим:
Отзывов пока нет.